Product Description
Lubricated Plug ValvesD2224
Size: 1 Inch
B16.34: 600 6FA
Body: A105
Plug: Steel
CWP: 1480/ 1290 @ 350°
Temp: -29°C to 177°C (-20°F to 350°F)
Seat Material: Metal-to-Metal
• Greater process control provided by the bubble-tight shutoff and predictable torque
• Increased uptime provided by the precisely controlled vertical lifting of the plug, which eliminates its wedging without affecting tight shutoff
• Durable performance via the specially shaped weather seal that protects the stem, gland and packing from hostile environments and corrosion
• Reliable operation enabled by the Sealdport™ sealant grooving system, designed to give complete distribution of pressurized sealant to seating surfaces